Completed the distribution of more than 400 stoves at the end of July 2023.

Improved Cookstoves Programme Lao PDR (ICS) is one of the programmes of the Association of Rural Mobilisation and Improvement (ARMI) that has been implemented in Xiengkhouang Province, LuangPrabang Province, Xayabouri Province, Vientiane Province, Vientiane Capital, Savannakhet Province and Champasak Province.

8/4/20231 min read

Accessing to the Improved Cookstoves is now convenient because our team has paid attention to continue advertising, to the community so that people in all areas can turn to use the stove that is effective in cooking, saving your time and budget. in July 2023, more than 400 stoves have been distributed in each area, in Xiengkhouang province together with the provincial women's union have completed the distribution of 177 stoves, at Nong Khane Village, Sanasomboun District, Champasak Province 158 stoves, Houayon Village and HouayMat Village, Jomphet District, Luang Prabang Province 54 stoves.