Completed the production of more than 1,000 stoves at the end of August 2023

Improved Cookstoves Programme Lao PDR (ICS) is one of the programmes of the Association of Rural Mobilisation and Improvement (ARMI) that has been implemented in Xiengkhouang Province, LuangPrabang Province, Xayabouri Province, Vientiane Province, Vientiane Capital, Savannakhet Province and Champasak Province.

9/7/20231 min read

We have monitored, verified, and provided full support to producers so they can produce stoves according to market requirements and the needs of the market. According to the report in the 3-monthly meeting of the producers, it was found that during the rainy season, it was not possible to produce stoves as expected, but nevertheless, our producers in all areas tried their best to produce stoves for us to use.

By the end of August 2023, the producers can produce more than 1,000 stoves: Ms. Khanphone can produce 510 stoves, Ms. Khammouan can produce 195 stoves, and Mr. Amphone can produce 72 stoves; Mrs. Chitsana in Champasak province can produce 300 stoves; and Ms. Bouathong in Donemay village, Luang Prabang province, can produce 240 stoves.