Monitoring the location and signing a document to build a latrine for a target group of 63 families in Chomphet District

The Community-Based Inclusive Development project in Luang Prabang province Phase II (CBID-LPB) is implemented in 20 villages in Chomphet District, Luang Prabang Province, Lao PDR. The project’s objectives are to support improving the quality of people with disabilities lives, to support income generation, and life development activities for all types of disabled people. The project is funded by CBM Global Disability Inclusion (CBM Global).

8/24/20231 min read

On August 15-21, 2023, we, monitoring the location of the target group to make a contract for the construction of latrines in 20 villages, Chomphet District, Luang Prabang Province together with partners from the Department of Labor, Welfare and Social Affairs, Health Office in Chomphet District, village organizations, representing self-help groups of disabled people, families of disabled people and poor families, which included a total of 86 participants (38 women) who visited and monitoring the location.

Through this actual site inspection, there are a total of 63 families who have passed the conditions and standards set by the project, so they have made signing a document to build a latrine and the project will support them with toilet construction equipment soon.

Mr. Singlang, one of the target families who received latrine building activities, who is physically disabled and lives in HouayThak village, said to the team: "In the past, I had a lot of difficulty because of my leg disability and had to go to the forest to urinate, especially at night and during the rainy season. Now I feel very excited and happy that the project will come to build a latrine".